How do I change NPI information?

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

NPI is a HIPAA Administrative Simplification Standard. It is an intelligence-free, 10-digit numerical identifier.

For covered entities and health care workers, the NPI is a distinctive identification number. Covered health care services, all health programs, and health care clearinghouses must utilize NPIs in administrative and financial transactions under HIPAA.

How to change NPI information?

Changing NPI information is a simple process. Navigate to the NPPES website.
Sign In or Create an Account

You can either create a login ID or just click the “Sign In” tab if you already have an NPI login account.

Simply click the “Create or Manage Account” link to create an NPI account. You must input the NPI number, first and last name, social security number, and date of birth if you wish to create an NPI login for a specific health care provider. If you wish to create an account for an organisation, you’ll need to provide the NPI number, the name of the company, and the Employer Identification Number.

Click “View/Modify NPI Data”

Simply click “View/Modify NPI Data” once you’ve logged in.  Now you will get an option to enter your new address and then click “Submit.”

Change NPI Address Information by Mail

Changes to NPI address information can also be made via email. You can request a form by mail by calling the NPI Enumerator at 800-465-3203. The NPI application/update form is also available for download on the CMS forms page.

Write the NPI Number

Check box 2 on the NPI update form and write the NPI number in the area given. Check the box next to “Change of Information”.

Enter the New Address

Go to section 3 of the NPI application and fill in your new address information. Only include a new residence address in section A if it is also your company’s mailing address. In part B, only include a new residential address if it is also your location of business practice.

Fill in your contact information

You must fill out section 5 with your contact information.

Complete the form and submit it

After you’ve filled in all of your new information on the Application form, double-check everything before sending it to NPI Enumerator, P.O. Box 6059, Fargo, ND 58108-6059.